Conditions of use
Welcome to the website ("Site"). These Terms of Use govern the access and use of Access and use of this Site, as well as the purchase of products on, are based on the assumption that you have read, acknowledged and accepted these Conditions of Use. This site is operated and maintained by The Level S.r.l. ("Operator"), with its registered office in Piazza Arcole 4, 20143, Milan, Italy and VAT No. 07234250962, REA MI - 1945372.
If you need help, please see our Customer Services area. . You can find information concerning orders and shipments, refunds and returning products purchased on and the site's registration form, as well as suggestions and other general information on the services offered by You can contact us by visiting our Customer Service area.
For all other legal information, please see the Conditions of Sale, Return Policy and Privacy Policy sections on The Operator may change or simply update, in whole or in part, these Terms of Use. Changes and updates to the Terms of Use will be provided to users in the footer of the home page as soon as they are made and will become binding as soon as they are published on the Site within the same section. We therefore ask that you access this section regularly to check for the most recent and up-to-date version of the Terms of Use. If you do not agree, to all or part, of the Terms of Use, we ask that you no longer use our website.
Access and use of, including viewing the web pages, communicating with the Operator, the option of downloading information on products and purchasing them from the website, constitute activities conducted by our users exclusively for personal use unrelated to any trade, business or professional activity. Remember that you will be solely liable for your use of and its Content. Indeed, the Operator shall not be considered liable for any use of the website and its Content made by its users that is not compliant with the laws in force, without prejudice to Operator's liability for intentional torts and gross negligence. In particular, you will be solely liable for communicating information and data which is not correct, false or concerning third parties that have not given their consent, as well as for any improper use of such data or information.
Lastly, since all material will be downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the service at the user’s discretion and risk, all liability for any damage to computer systems or loss of data resulting from downloads performed by the user shall be incurred by the user and may not be attributed to the Operator. The Operator rejects all liability for any damage resulting from the inaccessibility of the services present on the site or damage caused by viruses, corrupted files, errors, omissions, interruptions to the service, deletion of content, problems related to the network, providers or telephone and/or electronic connections, unauthorised access, alterations to data, or the non-functioning and/or faulty functioning of the user’s electronic devices.
The user is responsible for the storage and correct usage of their personal information, including the credentials that enable them to access reserved services, as well as for any harmful consequences or damage that may arise for the Operator or third parties as a result of the incorrect usage, loss or theft of said information.
1. Privacy Policy
We ask that you carefully read the Privacy Policy that applies in the event that users access and use the relevant services without making purchases. The Privacy Policy will help you to understand how and for what purposes collects and uses your personal data.
2. Intellectual Property Rights
The content of, such as works, images, pictures, dialogues, music, sounds, videos, documents, drawings, figures, logos, and any other material, in any format, published on, including menus, web pages, graphics, colours, schemes, tools, fonts and the design of the website, diagrams, layouts, methods, processes, functions and software that make up (collectively the "Content"), are protected by copyright and all the other intellectual property rights of Parajumpers S.p.A, an Italian company with registered office in Via Lega dei Carrettieri, 6 - 43039 Sala Baganza (PR), Italy – and/or of the Operator and other right holders. You may not reproduce, in whole or in part, and/or its Content, without the express written consent of Parajumpers S.p.A. and the Operator.
Parajumpers S.p.A. and/or the Operator have the exclusive right to authorise or prohibit the direct or indirect reproduction, in whole or in part, of and its Content, whether it be temporary or permanent.
In regard to the use of, you are solely authorised to view the Site and its Content. You are also authorised to carry out all other acts of temporary reproduction, devoid of economic significance, which are considered transitory or incidental and an integral and fundamental part of viewing and its Content and all other navigation operations on the website that are carried out solely for the legitimate use of and its Content. However, you are not authorised to carry out any reproduction, on any medium, of and its Content, in whole or in part. Any reproduction must be authorised by the Operator and/or Parajumpers S.p.A. on a case-by-case basis, or by the authors of the individual works contained within the Site if necessary. Said reproduction must be done for legitimate means and in compliance with copyright and other intellectual property rights of the operator and the authors of the individual works contain within the Site. The authors of the individual works published on have, at any time, the right to claim authorship of their works and to object to any distortion, mutilation or other modification of the works, including any damage caused to the works which is prejudicial to their honour or reputation. You agree to respect the copyright of the artists who have chosen to publish their works on Parajumpers.ite or who have collaborated with to create new expressive and artistic forms intended for publication, including non-exclusively on the Site or which form an integral part of the same. Furthermore, you are not authorised, under any circumstances, to use, in any way, shape or form, the Content of the Site and each individual work protected by copyright and any other intellectual property rights. By way of example, you may not alter or otherwise modify the Content and the protected works without the consent of Parajumpers S.p.A. and the Operator and, where necessary, the individual authors of the works published on
3. Links to Other Websites contains links ("links") to other websites which are in no way connected to The Operator does not control or monitor such third party websites or their Content. The Operator shall not be held liable for the content of such sites and for the rules adopted by them in respect to your privacy and the processing of your personal data when you are visiting those websites. We therefore ask that you please pay attention when you access these websites through the links on and carefully read their terms of use and their privacy policies. In fact, we'd like to remind you that these General Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy of do not apply to third-party websites other than the Operator's. provides links to other websites exclusively to help its users in searching and surfing the Internet and to allow links to other websites on the Internet. By providing links to other websites, the Operator is not recommending that its users access or browse these websites, nor does it provide any guarantees to the content, services or goods supplied and sold by these websites to Internet users.
4. Links to
Anyone interested in linking to the home page or other web pages of that can be accessed publicly is asked to contact the Operator by visiting our Customer Service area. . This is needed to request consent for linking to The Operator grants links to the applicant free of charge and on a non-exclusive basis. The Operator is entitled to object to certain links to its website in the event that the applicant who intends to activate links to has, in the past, adopted unfair business practices that do not conform to the customs of the sector or has made unfair competition activities vis-à-vis the Operator, or when the Operator fears that such practices may be adopted by the applicant in the future, or if the requesting party has in the past adopted, or it is feared that they may adopt in future, actions that discredit the Operator, its website or its services. In any case, it is forbidden to activate deep frames or deep links to or to perform unauthorised use of meta tags without the Operator's consent.
5. Disclaimers on Content
The Operator has taken every possible precaution to prevent the publication on the website of content that describes or represents scenes or situations of physical or psychological violence or content that, depending on users’ sensibilities, may be considered to infringe on civil beliefs, human rights or personal dignity, in all its forms and expressions. In any case, the Operator cannot guarantee that the content of the website is appropriate or lawful in other countries outside of Italy. However, if said content is considered unlawful or illegal in some of these countries, we ask that you refrain from accessing our website, and, in any case, if you choose to access it, we wish to inform you that the use you decide to make of the services provided by will be your exclusive personal responsibility.
The Operator has also adopted all useful measures to ensure that the content of is accurate for its users and does not contain any incorrect or out-of-date information, in regard to their date of publication on the website and, insofar as possible, also afterwards. However, the Operator cannot be held liable to its users for the accuracy and completeness of the content published on, except for its liability for tort and gross negligence and as otherwise provided for by the law. Moreover, the Operator cannot guarantee users that the website will operate continuously, without any interruptions and malfunctioning due to the connection to the Internet. In the event of any problem in using our website please contact us by visiting our Customer Service area. A team member will be at your disposal to assist and help you to restore your access to the website, insofar as possible. At the same time, we recommend contacting your Internet services provider or checking that each device for Internet connection and access to web content is correctly activated, including your Internet browser. While the Operator will do everything in its power to ensure continuous access to its website, the dynamic nature of the Internet and its content may not allow to operate without any suspensions, interruptions or discontinuity due to the need for website updates. The Operator has adopted the adequate technical and organisational security measures to protect its services on, as well as the integrity of traffic data and electronic communications in order to prevent unauthorised use of or access to data, as well as to prevent risks of dissemination, destruction and loss of data and confidential and non-confidential information regarding the users of, and to avoid unauthorised or unlawful access to such data and information.
6.Our Business Policy
The Operator has adopted its own business policy. Its mission consists of selling products through its services and its website to the "end consumer" only, meaning any natural person who is acting on for purposes which are outside his or her trade, business or professional activity, if any. If you are not an end consumer, please do not use our services for purchasing products on Otherwise the Operator shall be entitled to object to the processing of purchase orders from persons other than end consumers and to any other purchase order which does not comply with the Conditions of Sale and these Terms of Use.
7. Governing Law
These Conditions of Use are governed by Italian law.
Last update: July 2021